Tag Archives: Bowling

All Arc Bowling 2020!!

I am pleased to announce our first Arc event for 2020. We will be Bowling at Arrowhead on Friday, January 31st from 6 to 8 pm. The cost will be $10 and includes 2 hours of bowling, shoe rental and Nacho Bar with Drinks. You can pay at the door with cash/check or use your debit card to prepay online. Just use our donate now tab on this website. Call or Text Milissa at 765-476-3277 with questions or for more information.

The RSVP deadline is Wednesday January 29th by 5 pm to rsvp@arcoftippecanoe.org with the name of the member/s attending along with the number of staff/family/friends attending WHO WILL BE EATING or BOWLING. If Staff are not eating we do not need the number attending as part of the RSVP. We order food and pay based on the number of RSVP’s Wednesday.

Feel free to share this with your friends or bring a new friend with you.

I hope to see you all at the event!! Let’s get 2020 off to a big start!

Bowling invitation 2020