Spring Carnival Open to all Arc Members!!

The Youth Group of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints is hosting a Spring Carnival in celebration of Disability Awareness Month. The event will be from 2:30 to 3:30 pm Saturday, March 9th at 3224 Jasper Street in West Lafayette. This event is open to all Arc Members along with their friends, family and caregivers. Please RSVP by Thursday at 5:00 pm so we can let our hosts know how many people to expect. This event is free.

RSVP to rsvp@arcoftippecanoe.org with the names of the Arc members attending along with the number of guests. Please put in the email that your reservation is for the Carnival since we have multiple event RSVP’s right now. Remember you will receive an email responses from us that is your proof of RSVP. If you do not get an email please RSVP again. RSVP is required to attend this event. Call or email director@arcoftippecanoe.org with questions.  Carnival Flier for Guests


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